It’s another Hump Day, and I’m here to share some more great personal defense and preparedness articles with you. (Which is actually redundant, because personal defense is but one form of preparedness, though  not everyone realizes that — yet!)


“People don’t plan to fail…they fail to plan”

A self defense plan (which is really just a part of an overall preparedness plan) is, I believe, essential. Whether you have a gun for self defense or not, knowing what your defensive assets are and how you expect to use them is important to an effective response. Just “war gaming” the scenarios that could happen to you, and what you’d do under specific circumstances, is a rudimentary self defense plan. Jim Wilson has more.


Big waves aren’t always a pleasant sight

If you live on any of America’s coasts — particularly the West Coast — you should be aware of earthquakes and how they spawn tsunamis. Remember the Fukushima nuclear disaster? That was the direct result of a tsunami. They’re not common, but they are dangerous (and can impact areas quite a ways inland in some circumstances.) This article is a good introduction to the risk and impact of tsunamis.


How do they know?

I shared this story on social media when it happened, and I’m still a little dumfounded by it. A man gets a call from his wife, who is safely locked in a store while a crazed man with a gun paces outside. The police were apparently on the way, but this guy decides to grab his gun and go confront the suspect. When the police get there they see two men with guns, and the result is predictable. As I’ve said before: you are not the police; your gun doesn’t give you magic powers, nor can the police tell you’re a good guy when you’re doing an excellent impersonation of a bad guy. When you have a gun in your hands, you need to think more — not less.


How to be armed in a foreign country

Since you can’t take your concealed carry firearm with you in a foreign land, how do you defend yourself? Greg Ellifritz is an accomplished traveler, and he shares some of his favorite tricks.


How do you know when you’re ready to carry?

This is an interesting article looking at some of the points to be considered beyond just getting the license. Carrying a defensive firearm is an enormous responsibility, and it’s up to you to be conversant with all of the ramifications involved. An article sure to make someone mad!


Teenage girls are saved by an airline employee

A couple of teenagers from the Sacramento area were saved from a suspected sex trafficking entanglement by an alert airline employee who recognized the warning signs. This happens more than you might think, and while teenage girls are the most at risk it can happen to a wide range of people. Think about how you might shrug off the warning signs that this person spotted. (For a more in-depth look at this problem, how you can protect yourself AND teach your kids how to not become victims, tune into my PDN webcast Training Talk tomorrow evening at 6:pm PDT/9:pm EDT. My guest Julie Loeffler and I will devote the whole show to this topic, because it’s both important and widely ignored.)


A revolver article!

It’s been a while since I’ve shared a purely technical article about old firearms, but this one caught my eye: a look at an unusual self-ejecting revolver from Switzerland. (Of course it’s from Forgotten Weapons — who else?)

– Grant Cunningham

P.S.: My latest book, Protecting Your Homestead: Using a rifle to defend life on your property, is proving to be very popular. Why? Because it takes a realistic and responsible look at how rifles are actually used in defensive situations. If you have a rifle to protect your family, this is a book that you should have on your shelf — or tablet, because it’s available in both paperback and electronic versions!





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