Hump Day Reading List camel

Another great collection of articles in this week’s List! Are tattoos a privacy risk?; how to deal with pepper spray if you’re on the receiving end; helping your significant other see the wisdom in preparation; how to deal with hugs when you’re packing; what’s involved with hosting a training class; a counterpoint on bugging out; how to use your car to survive a winter storm; and it’s surprising how dumb people can be when it comes to their own safety. Enjoy and share!


Tattoos as a security risk?

I don’t have any tattoos, so I rarely think about them. Because of that I’d never stopped to consider the privacy concerns about body art, and while I’m not the tin-foil hat type I concede there may be some. Justin at Your Ultimate Security Guide has some thoughts about the ramifications and how to mitigate the risks. It’s an interesting point of view I’d not thought of until now.


Handling pepper spray when you’re the victim

Many of you probably carry pepper spray as a defensive tool. Have you ever practiced with it? Have you ever intentionally exposed yourself to it? If not, you don’t understand what it does and how to deal with the effects. Greg Ellifritz has some thoughts about what you can do if you’re exposed as a consequence of using it on an attacker — or attacked yourself.


What if your spouse isn’t on board with your prepping?

As I’ve pointed out many times, ‘prepping’ includes self defense as much as it does food storage. What if your spouse doesn’t see eye-to-eye with your desire to live a more self-reliant lifestyle? Here are some ideas how to help your spouse see the wisdom of being more prepared, and how to work through the rough spots.


Handling the hug when you’re carrying concealed

The dreaded hug. It’s something concealed carriers always need to be prepared for, because an ill-timed or poorly handled hug might alert someone to the the presence of your gun — someone who is scared of firearms or perhaps even dead-set against them. I myself was once outed in a non-permissive environment by a completely unexpected hug early in my concealed carry career. Here are some thoughts on how to handle this very common social interaction.


Hosting your own training class

This is a question I get quite a lot: “what’s it take to bring you in to do a class?” Here’s a great article which lays out the things you’ll need to consider — and do — if your’e bringing in an instructor. (P.S.: it sounds like a lot of work, but it’s really just a matter of handling the details!)


Bugging out?

I’m sharing this article not because I necessarily agree with all of it, but because it gives you a counterpoint to my own opinion. I maintain that the notion of bugging out is almost always a fantasy scenario that would leave you a refugee — and there’s nothing more dangerous than being a refugee. The only time I can recommend the idea is if your home is destroyed or otherwise made permanently uninhabitable. I am unswayed by the author’s arguments, but believe you should be exposed to the other side of the discussion.


Surviving a snowstorm in your vehicle

Much of the nation is facing another two months of winter weather, and even here in temperate Oregon we’ve been known to have record snowfalls as late as March. There are still ample opportunities to face danger due to ice and snow, and this article has some tips for staying safe if you’re trapped in or near your vehicle. (Be careful with the toilet paper heater idea, though!)


Staying safe isn’t rocket science

Austin, Texas has seen a big uptick in assaults on people walking in public. The common denominator among the victims seems to be the all-too-common preoccupation with the screen of their smartphones. When you’re in public you need to actively manage your distractions, and that most assuredly includes your phone. Trust me, that text can wait until you’re in an area where you can better manage your exposure. The stuff in this article shouldn’t need to be said, but here we are. Share it with your kids.

– Grant

P.S: Did you hear about my new book, Protect Yourself With Your Snubnose Revolver? It’s the ultimate guide to learning how to use your snubby to protect your life and the lives of your loved ones! Now available in paperback, Kindle and iBooks formats! (Should I mention that it would make a great Valentine’s gift for that snubby-carrying guy or gal in your life?)

Opening photo: “Camelus dromedarius at Tierpark Berlin” by Agadez – Own work. Licensed under CC BY 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons


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