I’ll start this week’s reading list with some shameless self-promotion: I’ve appeared on two different shows this week! Also: some considerations before you jump into someone else’s problem; your gun isn’t magic; don’t worry about what should be, focus on what is; how to handle “that guy” at the range; and how to avoid getting fleeced on your vacation.
I’m Famous, Part 1
Last weekend I appeared on Gun Freedom Radio with Dan & Cheryl Todd. We had a great conversation about a variety of topics: my new book, the Fort Lauderdale Airport attack, and more. They’re great interviewers and we talked about some important topics. Be sure to listen!
I’m Famous, Part 2
Bob Mayne has a terrific podcast called Handgun World, and I recently made my second appearance on his show. The topic was the Kimber K6s revolver, a gun I had a little to do with, and we talked about its features, what makes it different, a little about my input in the development process, and more.
Should you intervene? Here’s how to decide.
I’ve shared several stories in the last year of interventions by would-be Good Samaritans which went horribly wrong. There are a lot of things to consider before you insert yourself into someone else’s fight, and in this article at Personal Defense Network Rob Pincus lays out a way of quickly deciding whether you should get involved — or leave it to the professionals. This is sobering reading and highly recommended, especially if you carry a defensive firearm.
Your gun is not magic
You may be tired of hearing that, but it’s true. Your gun does not magically ward off evil, whether it’s carried concealed or open for all the world to see. This article talks a bit about the superstitions people have about self defense, including the belief that the gun itself is what keeps them safe.
You either acknowledge reality and use it to your advantage…
…or it will automatically work against you. Someone told me that decades ago and it has been one of the truest things I’ve ever heard. The reality is the world works the way it does, and whining about what “should” be isn’t going to make you any safer. Yes, you should be able to walk down the street in any part of any city at any time of the night — but the reality is this world isn’t perfect, and if you do that you’ll likely end up on a slab somewhere. You are largely responsible for your own safety and no amount of wishing is going to change that. Greg Ellifritz has a good story about trying to explain this concept to a resident in the town where he works.
Ladies, has this ever happened to you?
Most of the men in the shooting world are, I like to think, complete gentlemen with regard to the women who are entering the field in increasing numbers. Unfortunately I’m constantly amazed at the boorish behavior some of my gender continue to display. This is a great article about several different annoying personality types the independent woman might encounter at the range — and how to handle them. (For the guys in the audience, it’s a guide to What Not To Do When You See A Woman At Your Range.)
Avoiding common tourist scams
Being a tourist can be a wonderful experience, but unfortunately many tourists are easy marks for criminal scams. Here are 20 of the most common tourist scams and crimes around the world and how you can avoid getting taken.
— Grant
P.S.: Do you know someone who owns a snubnose revolver for self defense? It’s not too late to give him or her the best Valentine gift: a copy of my new book, Protect Yourself With Your Snubnose Revolver! It’s available now in Kindle, iBooks, and paperback versions. Trust me: any snubby owner would love getting this, and unlike chocolate it’s non-fattening!
Opening photo: “Camelus dromedarius at Tierpark Berlin” by Agadez – Own work. Licensed under CC BY 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons
The post Your Hump Day Reading List for February 1, 2017 appeared first on www.GrantCunningham.com.
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