Instructor FAQ
Welcome to the LGC Instructor Program Frequently Asked Questions page, where we do our best to address the most common questions and concerns about instructor eligibility, expectations, insurance, and more. If something is not addressed here, please do not hesitate to send an email to To review our course offerings, please visit the training page.
What are the prerequisites for instructor eligibility?
At the very minimum, instructors need to meet the following conditions before applying:
- Not be a prohibited person as per 18 U.S.C. § 922
- Possess at least one handgun
- Be a member of the LGC in good standing
- Have prior exposure to formal training (includes CCW classes) or existing instructor credentials
- You must agree to the LGC Instructor Code of Conduct
How do I become an LGC certified instructor?
To get certified to teach our Firearms Safety & Familiarization course, you will apply and pay an application fee, receive and study our basic course curriculum, shoot and submit a qualification target, and demonstrate your knowledge of the material and skills to teach it in a virtual teach back session with our training coordinator and/or lead instructors.
To become a certified defensive shooting instructor, you must also successfully complete our in-person instructor development program, which includes passing a written exam of 90% or better, and performing live teach backs at an acceptable and professional level.
To start the process, contact us using the form below and choose “Become a Firearms Instructor”.
Do I need insurance to teach?
Insurance is not required but we highly recommend it. While LGC is the organization that certified you on specific training curriculum and content, you are NOT covered by any insurance policy related to LGC. You assume all personal and professional liability associated with the firearms classes you teach.
Will I need access to a classroom to teach LGC courses?
It depends on the class. Our Firearms Safety & Familiarization class requires a classroom setting or at least a quiet place to present in front of people since new shooters will benefit from getting a safety and handling demonstration in a quiet setting. Our defensive shooting program is typically taught entirely on the range with no classroom needed.
How much should I charge for my services?
Firearms instructors are encouraged to create fair opportunity access to their classes, regardless of students’ socio-economic backgrounds. While instructors may charge for their classes, rates should be within market ranges and reasonable for the services provided. Instructors are encouraged to offer flexible payment options to accommodate students who may face financial barriers to participation. Examples may include installment payments, deferred payments, “pay what you want”, discounts for LGC members, etc…
How will students find me?
The LGC receives training inquiries via the contact form on our main website. Even if you choose not to do any proactive marketing of your services, the LGC will refer these training requests to the instructors based based on the following:
- Active status: Instructors are considered active if they are good standing, are open to taking new students with access to resources to teach, agree to be listed in our instructor directory, and have agreed to and are following the LGC Instructor Code of Conduct.
- Location: requests are routed first by state, and for larger states, by region within a state.
- Topics: requests may be filtered to specific instructors based on topics requested. For example defensive training requests may only get routed to those certified to teach the defensive curriculum.
- Student Preference: students may request to be connected to specific instructors based on prior experience or information provided in the instructor directory
Once requests are sent, it is the instructor’s responsibility to respond and pursue the opportunities to engage potential students.
What is a good setting for teaching?
Take the following factors into consideration when choosing where to teach:
- Indoor vs Outdoor – Outdoor ranges are usually quieter, but may have fewer options in terms of target placement. Most indoor ranges are louder and not as well ventilated, and thus less comfortable for new shooters. However, they may have classroom space you can use for safety briefing. Mechanical target retrieval is a bonus at indoor ranges.
- Public vs Private – Beginner shooters benefit from quiet, controlled environments for their first time behind a gun. If possible, find a way to secure time at the range when nobody else is shooting nearby, or reserve a private bay/section if that option exists and is affordable. Be aware of how range-specific restrictions on caliber or rate of fire may affect your instruction.
- Target placement – Beginner shooters should start out at 7 yards or even closer. If the minimum distance for pistols at your range starts at 15 yards, consider using a different facility.
- General Amenities – Your students will get tired, thirsty, and hungry. Make sure your facility has restrooms, water for drinking, and a place to sit down.
Are LGC courses recognized for the training requirement of concealed carry permits?
LGC instructors are approved to teach required CCW courses in several states, including MA (LTC-019) and WI. Contact us using the form below to explore options for your particular state.
I attended the 3 day IDS Instructor Development Class but did not achieve full certification. What am I allowed to teach?
If you successfully completed the 3 day Instructor Development course but did not achieve certification, you can still incorporate Intuitive Defensive Shooting concepts and drills into your existing instruction, so long as you are not advertising that class as the LGC Defensive Pistol Fundamentals class or “Intuitive Defensive Shooting” or a derivative name, and you are not advertising yourself as LGC DPF or IDS certified. For the sake of clarity, let’s call an LGC instructor in this situation an “IDS Apprentice”.
Note that “successful” completion requires you take and pass the written test 90% or greater and you attend all 3 days unless otherwise excused by our lead instructor Alessandro Padovani, and you participated in the teach backs at a reasonable level which is Ale’s discretion. (In other words you can’t just be there sleeping through it but you don’t have to nail it at certified level)
Example 1: A training request came in through the website with someone looking for basic firearms safety and familiarization and in the comments they talked about wanting to concealed carry or learn about armed defense. As an IDS Apprentice, you can do the FSF class for this person, and incorporate IDS concepts such as the dynamic critical incident, the bodies natural reaction, etc…) and drills such as extend, touch, press.
Example 2: An IDS Apprentice posts on their website they are offering an “Intuitive Defensive Shooting” course. This is NOT allowed unless you obtain certification.
As an instructor, should I get medical training?
One of our CA chapter members is a Bleeding Control instructor and recommends this first aid kit to cover most situations.
What am I expected to provide my students as an instructor?
If your students are taking the safety & familiarization courses and do not own firearms, it would be reasonable for you to provide eye and ear protection, targets, ammunition, and the use of your firearms for the shooting portion. Students are usually expected to cover their own range fees. Students for the defensive shooting course should have their own firearms, holster, personal protective equipment, and ammunition.
Currently the LGC has instructors in these states
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
Washington, DC
Are you a current firearms instructor that would like to offer LGC courses? Want to take one of our courses? Check out our frequently asked questions here first.