In some more good news, it looks like the state of Virginia has taken a great step forward in making access to safe firearm storage available to residents, with up to a $300 income tax credit for the purchase of a safe or similar lockable gun cabinets from an FFL. It’s not a mandate, it’s a financial incentive and we fully support this effort.
From the article:
“This bill is not about requiring people to do anything,” Del. Alfonso Lopez, D-Arlington, the bill’s sponsor, said at a committee hearing earlier this year. “It’s not about banning anything. It’s not taking anything away. This bill simply gives a tax credit to try and incentivize something that many law-abiding gun owners already do.”
A penalty for not locking up your guns is something that happens after the fact, when something tragic may have already happened. This instead tries to get out in front and educate people to lock things up along with making it more affordable to do so.
Here’s the full bill as well for your reading pleasure.
Well done Virginia.