It’s been a bit since we’ve put out an LGC original blog, as life gets in the way from time to time. But we haven’t been idle, recently meeting with the University of Colorado Firearm Injury Prevention Initiative and AFFIRM to provide our perspective on things that can and should be done, along with a host of other things (including finally switching off of that payment provider who shall not be named).

And in some remote academic news sites, things are starting to change with regard to the overall conversation about violence prevention. As we’ve noted over and over again, the root causes of violence are different when looking at suicide, domestic violence, personal conflicts, street violence, and spree killings. And approaching prevention with that in mind is crucial to not only fixing the problem, but also ensuring that “feel good” legislation which plays well to certain sections of society, but won’t actually help, isn’t passed.

With that in mind, an article fresh off the presses came across my desk this morning, and the last paragraph really stood out:

Perpetrators of public mass shootings, domestic mass shootings, and felony-related or retaliatory urban violence have different profiles and motivations, methods and motives. Their pathways to violence are different, thus the opportunities for prevention and intervention are different too. We need data-driven public policy solutions to all forms of mass shootings in America.

Now again, this is a non-profit that brings academia to the public- so it’s not exactly the AP News. But. The fact that the truth is getting some recognition is heartening. We can reduce violence in this country. In addition to the root causes page linked above, we have some additional information here as well.

Strengthening the middle class, raising the minimum wage, and universal healthcare will do more to reduce violence across the board than any new firearm related legislation. And it will make American lives better.