rolandson wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2024 3:06 pm
CowboyT wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2024 2:32 pm
OK, if you personally don't like PSA, then there are other vendors who also sell semi-auto rifles at reasonable prices.
The point is, arm up if you're concerned about tyranny, and it's affordable to arm up. It's not only your right, it's kinda your duty. The Founding Fathers were right when they said that only an armed citizenry can effectively resist tyranny.
And note that the "Daily Beast", a leftie-site, incorrectly referred to "assault rifles", when they're really talking about semi-automatic rifles. An "assault rifle" is by definition a machine gun, either fully-automatic like the M16A1 or selective-fire like the M16A2.
Those who think of themselves as "progressives" are, as I type, in the midst of an existential crisis. Like every other intelligent hunan with a conscience, they are scared.
Suggesting to these people that they need to "gun up" terrifies them. As it should.
But, it will drive many into the acquiescence of complacency.
This is not an easy decision. They are being forced to confront embracing that which they vilify.
However, my suggestion to these conflicted souls is not to go out and buy a gun. It is to learn to shoot a gun. Knowledge is power. Knowledge offers choices. Knowledge augments wise choices. This also offers the benefit of two important considerations...the first being, experience mitigates fear, especially the unrealistic fear of an inanimate object. And secondly, who wants a frightened inexperienced person buying a gun?
I'm seeing the results of this gentle approach work miracles on former demanding mom's every week. They are choosing to turn their fear into the ability to resist...and that gives them strength and hope.
Reminding my progressive friends that we live in the United States...
A country brought to you by a group of armed liberals.
True, getting some training is also very important. However, you can be trained as well as a Navy SEAL with a rifle, but you still need to actually *have* said rifle in order to defend yourself with it. Having it, and learning how to use it, are important. I'm reminded of the fellow who got held up at his restaurant one night by armed thugs. That night, he showed up at our range, furious, scared, frustrated, and DETERMINED NOT TO EVER LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN. Another RSO and I taught him the basics on how to shoot his new Glock 19 that same night. He kept coming to the range to practice for quite a while, and we could see his steady improvement. His fiancee likewise did so, as he had bought a gun for her as well (the thugs knew where they lived).
Your post also reminds me of many of the anti-2A press folks after the Charlie Hebdo murders in France. All of a sudden, left-wing anti-2A press people were bunching around Emily Miller (a fellow member of the press) asking, "Emily, how do I go about getting a gun?" They hated guns and even the idea of possessing them. All of a sudden, they got interested in having them, once they saw their own personal safety at risk.
And that's the point I'm making here. We here, we know the value of an armed citizenry. This is, after all, the Liberal *GUN* Club forums. I can tell you here, directly, get your friends to arm up, and you already know what I'm talking about. *HOW* you go about doing it...that's up to you, based on the particular people with whom you're dealing.