by CDFingers
No one seeks "disarmament." That is a false claim.
In the Chinese book of wisdom, the I-Ching, there is Hexagram 49, "Revolution". But it has another meaning, "Molting," as in birds losing their feathers every year. So, yes, we need to molt. That is, in order to overturn Citizens United, we need to shed the old ways and replace them with new ways. The Constitution was designed to allow molting.
Every society everywhere since the beginning of time has faced the option of violent revolution, regardless of code, or laws, or what not. Our Constitution provides for the peaceful molting of old feathers, unless the voters are too lazy or too stupid to take the control ourselves. That's why it starts "We the People", not we the violent revolutionaries. Of course our nation was founded upon a violent revolution, and we suffered an attempted violent revolution during The American War of 1861. That was much too messy and much too unpredictable. Those of us who have read copious amounts of history have seen many, many battles that, if they had gone "the other way," would have changed what we are now. Democracy is messy and requires voter participation.
It is better first to vigorously pursue peaceful molting. Only as a last resort should we even consider violent revolution, which is the lazy path. It is much more permanent to pursue molting.
It's a buck dancer's choice my friend, better take my advice
You know all the rules by now, and the fire from the ice