I know, she's "not Trump". But she may be just as bad...or worse.
During the 2020 Democrat Primary debate, Tulsi Gabbard addressed some problems with VP Kamala Harris's record as a prosecuting attorney in California, especially against brown-skinned people.
Turns out Ms. Gabbard is right. Here's just one of the cases where she doubled down on a wrongful prosecution; the guy was innocent.
Even Democracy Now! is worried about her. Yes, that's right, Democracy Now! is worried about her. Check it out.
And this, folks, is why there is *NO WAY ON EARTH* that I can vote for her. She's a great example of what makes the Democrats so damned scary these days. Even if she's "not Trump", I cannot imagine how anyone "not White" could vote for her in light of this.
Why I could never vote for Kamala Harris as President
1"SF Liberal With A Gun + Free Software Advocate"