Wondering if there are any other home roasters here. I've been a home roaster since 2004, and my current little roaster a
I-Roast 2 is way beyond being on borrowed time; I actually used tie wire some time back to keep it in more or less "one" piece.
I haven't really keep up on current home roasters on the market, and the last roasting I did on Saturday left me certain the end was near.
I started my on line research, but if anyone else here home roasts, I'd love to know what makes you'd recommend in current production or for that matter what brands should be avoided.
Coffee- Home Roasting
Last edited by geno on Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"it's a goddamn impossible way of life"
"And so it goes"
"And so it goes"