F4FEver wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:09 am
featureless wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 11:00 am
F4FEver wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 8:25 am
As an aside, I don't really get a 'carry rotation', except maybe for clothes, and weather. I choose between 2 but some I know have a quiver of 4-5 they choose from.
BUT, not sure what the above would 'do'. I DO like some sort of 'qualification' tho. Actual knowledge rather than the BS rubber stamp I had to pay for...that was a joke, for my CCWP.
I don't have a problem with a qualification that shows you can hit a target and operate a handgun safely. I do have a problem with the other arbitrary bullshit.
If that were the case. NOT for my CCW 'training'..mine was a $90 waste of time. Agree, the other stuff does nothing to keep guns outta the hands of those who shouldn't have them.
My course was 15 or so minutes about the mid terms, complete with a red/blue US flag(2018). Another 45 minutes or so about how and why to join the NRA..Another 60 minutes on some beanbag pushing his carry insurance...about 45 minutes of 'info', that was spiced up by the 'instructor' selling these vests with carry pockets(selling them)...waste of time. 30 people, $90 per...nice afternoon for the 'instructor'. Got my little certificate...finger prints, pic, another BGC and $160..good to go.
I've been through 2 16-hour CCW classes (moved counties, so needed a new permit). Both were excellent. Both were taught by LEO or retired LEO. My current was done by the sheriff's office. Both included 8 hours of class and 8 hours of range (including qualification of up to 3 guns). I have no issue with this, but it should be subsidized for those who don't have the money.
But then CA goes and piles a bunch of other useless shit on top, like the above described Contra Costa County "can't haves." Contra Costa was virtually no issue pre-Bruen. Since, they've issued a few but still have hundreds of applications in the pipeline a year later.
CA is in the late stages of passing a new carry law, determined by the legislature to be like, totally consistent with Bruen, that will make virtually everywhere in the state that isn't a public roadways a sensitive place. They failed last year with the same law by one vote due to an "urgency" clause. This year, it will pass. So, everyone that has complied with the law, spent the money and gotten a CCW will have a next to useless permit.
CA is a perfect example of why I am so resistant to these "common sense" gun laws. Something reasonable quickly morphs into something that is way beyond the pale. Our roster is another excellent example, moving from the original drop test to now including technology that doesn't exist in order to be sold in the state. No new models of handguns have been sold here in a decade (unless on the used market as LEO has to make a little scratch from their roster-exempt status, dontchaknow). Don't even get me started on the assault weapon ban bullshit.