I recently posted a picture to social media of the bookshelf in my office that I recently rearranged because it is (nearly) full of books on gun culture and related topics.

It received more engagement than an average post of mine, including requests for an inventory of all the books and for a Top 5 list.

I will post about my top books on guns in America tomorrow. Although I cannot post an actual list of every book in the library, below are close up pictures of each shelf. If you click on each individual picture you can look at a larger picture and zoom in.

Caveats: Like Twitter’s “retweet does not equal endorsement,” not every book on my shelves is one I would recommend to others. Not every book is even one I plan to read at this point. Also, not every last book on guns I own is on these shelves. Some are staged at home for reading, and a couple (Rob Pincus’s Counter Ambush and Greg Hopkins’s A Time to Kill) are on a special shelf I keep of signed books.

Shelf 1: Alot of books here by practitioners:

Shelf 2: Alphabetized books start here (Agger/Luke to Dunbar Ortiz):

Shelf 3: Continuation (Elias to Klarevas):

Shelf 4: Continuation (Kleck/Kates to Springwood):

Shelf 5: Continuation (Stange/Oyster to Zimring) plus some reference books:

Shelf 6: A bunch of Gun Digest annuals and other books, coffee table books, and miscellany:

Suggestions of additional books to acquire are welcome.

Stay tuned for my top picks tomorrow.

This content originally appeared at text and was written by David Yamane This content is syndicated and does not necessarily reflect the views or positions of The Liberal Gun Club