It’s in the news all around us, the Covid-19 virus outbreak is touching lives in unpredictable ways.
Folks are being stranded on cruise ships, in airports, and in far away countries from efforts to contain a growing pandemic. Workplaces and schools are closing or moving activities on-line. The long-term effects of illnesses from the Covid-19 virus are unfolding and quickly shifting.
In the spirit of an abundance of caution, the Liberal Gun Club will be postponing all announced events for 60 days from the date of this post 03/13/20. The board will be monitoring the situation and will update everyone as we hear from government officials on their guidance and recommendations.
Of course we will let you know as soon as LGC events are rescheduled. In the meantime, we’ll refund any registration fees you have paid. We will be processing these in the next couple days.
The California Department of Public Heath published guidelines yesterday. They are located at:
What we found to be cogent to our situation was this excerpt: “Gatherings that do not meet the aforementioned criteria should only be conducted when they are essential—that is, if the activity is essential and could not be postponed or achieved without gathering, meaning that some other means of communication could not be used to conduct the essential function.”
While shooting stuff is fun, and time with our LGC colleagues is enjoyable, It’s not essential.
In the meantime Stay Safe! Wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds minimum, and avoid touching your face with your hands. Read and follow the CDPH guidelines linked above and follow them. Check out your local or state guidelines if they are available. Avoid large groups and unnecessary travel, particularly to foreign destinations. Be mindful! If you get flu-like symptoms, stay at home! do not go to work, school, or public events.
Most importantly, be kind and considerate to others. If someone needs help because they are not able to go out due to illness, such as a friend or neighbor, reach out if they need help shopping for groceries other necessities. Do it in a way that protects your health. You never know when you might need their help. The best antidote to panic and confusion is compassion and shared humanity.
We’ll all be fine in the long run, this shall pass.