Last night we had our most excellent Alessandro Padovani present Fundamentals of Home Defense with a Firearm.

Al shoved 1-2 days worth of material into an hour long class. It was well attended and lots of smart questions. Thank you all for showing up!

The class covered just that, the fundamentals. Staging a firearm, picking an appropriate firearm, how bets to prepare to defend your home, and what to do in the aftermath if you need to use your firearm. Its not legal advice, nor did we cover WHEN or WHY to use your firearm, just practical considerations around the fundamentals. It was a great class, and Al is a joy to listen to, and an incredibly experienced instructor and practitioner.

Check our the YouTube recording here:

And pay attention to the schedule of upcoming events in our Social Distance Learning series!

We all lift together. Stay safe and stay healthy! See you in the next class!