November 3, 2018

Help us hit our goal of $6000 by December 31st and be entered to win a trip to SHOT 2018!

Thanks to your generous donations and membership upgrades, we are almost 50% of the way to our goal! So far we’ve collected $2745 of our $6000 target, so thank you!  If you haven’t participated yet, be sure to do so here:


If you haven’t upgraded your membership or donated yet, there’s still time for you to help and get your pledge drive perks!


Please read the full details here, as we have some really exciting accomplishments in 2018, and we’re looking forward to doing even more in 2019 with your support. We wouldn’t be here without you.

We are also STOKED to do our first pledge drive, and in addition to the thank you gifts, we are, if we hit our stretch target of $6000 in the 4
th quarter, taking two lucky members who participate in the drive by upgrading their membership, with us to SHOT 2019!


Because this is an email and we want to keep it short, here’s a sample list of what you can get when you upgrade your membership or do a one time donation:

All sustaining members will receive a copy of Grant Cunningham’s “So You Want to Buy a Gun” and a free LGC Branded Chamber Flag. Other gifts include:

LGC T-Shirt

LGC Rifle Cleaning Mat

LGC Pistol Cleaning Mat

LGC Chamber Flags




And if you haven’t registered for the annual meeting in sunny Orlando Florida yet, make sure you get registered and booked ASAP here!

LGC Annual Meeting 2018

Best Regards,

Eric Meyers,
Membership Director

The Liberal Gun Club