by The Liberal Gun Club | Mar 5, 2023 | Connecticut, Law and Policy, Legislation, LGC Blog, Members
We’re at the deadline for public comment on these bills, and wanted to make sure that you were aware so you can weigh in on these proposed bills before the comment period is closed Not all of these bills are bad. One bill looks to add CCW reciprocity, create tax...
by The Liberal Gun Club | Feb 6, 2023 | InRangeTV, LGC Blog
Over the weekend there was a dustup between InRange TV, run by Karl, and a site we won’t name, as giving that toxic crap any more air is something we’ll not do. The long and the short of it- InRange, Karl and Russel are 100% on the right side of history. They have...
by The Liberal Gun Club | Jun 6, 2022 | LGC Blog, Members
Lara, our national spokesperson just wrapped up an interview with Anne Branigan of the Washington Post, discussing the changing demographics of gun ownership in the United States- and the article just hit the presses a few hours ago. Definitely worth reading! “It’s...
by The Liberal Gun Club | Mar 15, 2021 | LGC Blog, Members, Press Release
Well with everything going on in the news, we’ve had some less earth shattering, but sorely needed things accomplished here at the Liberal Gun Club. As you may (or may not) be aware, most of the work behind the scenes here is accomplished by volunteers who...
by The Liberal Gun Club | Aug 11, 2020 | LGC Blog, Members, Press Release
Even in the midst of a pandemic, our members across the country are still working on growing the club! Our newest chapter, LGC Ohio, is based out of Dayton and was formed (via virtual meeting) on August 9th, 2020. If you are in Ohio or in a surrounding state and would...