Following up to this post from August 24th, the BBTI site has been updated.
When you go there now, at the top of each page you’ll see this notice:
ATTENTION: Effective Sept 1, 2020, the BBTI Project is in “Archive Status.” No further tests will be conducted, but we will maintain this site and data for the use of the firearms community. Thank you.
In addition, we’ve removed the “Contact Us” and “Donate” options. There are costs associated the continuing to host the site, but I’d rather just pay those myself than give anyone the hope of making a donation towards future testing. I do want to thank those who have made contributions towards offsetting some of our expenses in the past. Likewise, thanks to those who contacted us with questions, corrections, and suggestions. It hasn’t always been possible to respond to each one, but your thoughts have been appreciated.
Jim Downey
This content originally appeared at text and was written by James Downey This content is syndicated and does not necessarily reflect the views or positions of The Liberal Gun Club